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C. Wegeberg, F. Lauritsen, C. Frandsen, S. Mørup, W. Browne, and C. McKenzie, Chemistry. 24, 5134-5145 (2018)

“…UV/Vis spectra were recorded from solutions in 1 cm quartz cuvettes on either an Agilent 8453 spectrophotometer with a UNISOKU CoolSpeK UV USP‐203 temperature controller or an Analytik Jena Specord S600 with a Quantum Northwest TC 125 temperature controller. Raman spectra were recorded from samples in 1 cm quartz cuvettes at either 532 nm (300 mW at source, Cobolt Lasers) as described previously30 or 691 nm (75 mW at sample, Ondax Lasers)…”

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